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Webshop ~ Product doc

Introducing Our Exclusive Product

Enjoy this top-quality product, designed to elevate your experience. Available for a limited time only!

Price: $49.99

{{</* button “Add to Cart” “/checkout” */>}}

Product Image

Webshop brick might help ? Say you can re-use it like this :

title: Webshop Page title
{{</* brick_webshop */>}}

## Hugobricks Webshop

Discover the perfect product to meet your needs.

{{</* /brick_webshop */>}}

TODO What about the Products ‘content’ strategy ?

TODO: ‘Hugo section’ approach

Like in /content/en/webshop/:product-filename’ as a series of markdown files: one file per product. It’s frontmatter provides the product specifications (as YAML formatted fields)

So that your ‘project tree’ my look similar to :

		carrots. ..
layouts/ ..
static/ ..

NOTE: Do not forget to add the relevant ‘webshop’ permalinks in your hugo project config file.

TODO: in ’ /data products ’ as a YAML file (rather than in the frontmatter ?)

Products to be stored in a products.yaml file in the data directory. So that the looks like this:

- product: Apples
  sku: APL123
  price_per_kg: 2.50
- product: Bananas
  sku: BAN456
  price_per_kg: 1.80
- product: Carrots
  sku: CRT789
  price_per_kg: 1.20
- product: Tomatoes
  sku: TOM012
  price_per_kg: 2.80
- product: Potatoes
  sku: POT345
  price_per_kg: 1.00
- product: Spinach
  sku: SPN678
  price_per_kg: 3.50
- product: Oranges
  sku: ORG901
  price_per_kg: 2.20
- product: Grapes
  sku: GRP234
  price_per_kg: 4.00
- product: Onions
  sku: ONN567
  price_per_kg: 0.90
- product: Broccoli
  sku: BRC890
  price_per_kg: 2.70

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